I’m alive! Yes, I’ve been missing for some time but I’ve been on a  declutter and reorganizing rampage. I’m going to share seven things that have helped me along the way. Just because it’s not January 1st doesn’t mean you can’t be productive, clean something, or organize your life. If you do one of these things a day you will feel so much lighter in a week! If you’ve already done all of this, then you rock!

1. Purge your wardrobe

This is a moment to be super real with yourself, do you really need to keep that dress that you’ve been hanging on to 6 years in hopes of getting invited to a themed party that it would be absolutely perfect for?! Or those mile high heels? That absolute favorite sweater that has had a growing hole for 2 years?? Yes, all of those things happened to me. Being honest with myself allowed me to donate 6 bags of clothes (the hole sweater got thrown away). So go for it, ask yourself the hard questions! See how light you’ll feel after this task is done.

Tip: Get all matching hangers. Even if you aren’t organized, these Velvet Hangers will make you look like it.

2. Clean out purses

Whether you have one or one-hundred bags, go through them all. If you don’t love it, donate it! If you love it, take better care of it. Empty the old receipts, mints, pens, hair ties and whatever else may be in there.

3. Empty wallet

Throw away any half-stamped loyalty cards, expired coupons, outdated insurance cards and again, whatever else may be in there.

4. Throw away missing socks

Why do we keep missing socks anyway?? There is no way the dryer is ever going to return them.

5. Declutter storage closets and drawers

Seriously, this one sucks. But go through your pantry, storage closets and yes, THE JUNK DRAWER! The screws, the spare buttons, half a stick of glue, a piece of string, old elastic bands, dried out pens and expired coupons. Chuck it!

6. Toss products and makeup

Throw away products you never use or are at the end of their life. I found this Jerrybox 360 Degree Rotating Makeup Organizer; Adjustable, Multi-Function Cosmetic Storage Box which is an acrylic organizer that has helped save my sanity for sink products.

7. Eliminate a toxic relationship

Whether it’s unfollowing someone on social media, unfriending people you haven’t seen since high school, or even letting a negative person in your life know that you don’t want to hang out with them anymore. LET IT GO!

These are things I have done, along with organizing all of my important paperwork and I have felt so much better. They are very small things but when combined make a huge difference in everyday routines…. like we don’t lose the car keys in the junk drawer.

If you have something that you do to declutter your life, I would love to hear!

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